
Promoting the Quality of Medicines Plus (PQM+)

Burkina Faso

SATTA Regulatory Meeting
Stepwise Assessment Tool Towards Accreditation (SATTA) regulatory meeting in Burkina Faso. Photo: PQM+ program 

PQM+ supports the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority (L'Agence Nationale de Régulation Pharmaceutique, ANRP) and the national Agency for environmental, food, occupational and health product safety ( l'Agence nationale pour la sécurité sanitaire de l'environnement, de l'alimentation, du travail et des produits de Santé (ANSSEAT) ) to strengthen its post-marketing surveillance (RB-PMS) systems to monitor medical products circulating in the country. In addition, PQM+ is building the ANSSEAT’s capacity and strengthening its quality management system to achieve international accreditation, such as ISO/IEC 17025 or WHO prequalification.  Furthermore, PQM+ is building the capacity of Propharm Ltd to produce quality assured antimalaria products. 

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