
Promoting the Quality of Medicines Plus (PQM+)


Pharmacists working in Ghana
     Pharmacists working in Ghana. Photo: PQM+ program 

PQM+ is collaborating with the Ghana Food and Drugs Authority (Ghana FDA) to build its capacity to monitor the quality of medical products in the country. Ghana FDA is classified as a WHO Maturity Level 3 medicines regulatory authority. With support from the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), PQM+ is working with Ghana FDA and other stakeholders to adopt a sustainable risk-based approach to post-marketing surveillance and to support select interested local manufacturers to produce and register new medicines or to achieve WHO prequalification.  

The program also works with USAID’s Global Health Supply Chain Program to prepare the local pharmaceutical industry and Ghana FDA to adopt GS1 standards, which is a sophisticated track-and-trace system that uses barcodes to capture product information. PQM+ is also supporting the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and is collaborating with Ghana FDA to build its capacity to regulate vaccines and other biologicals to be produced locally. 

Ghana lab receives global accreditation

WHO prequalifies West Africa's first national quality control laboratory (NQCL).

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Ghana awarded Global VAX funding

Funding will expand access to COVID-19 vaccines in six African countries.

Read the press release

Risk-based monitoring in Ghana

Ghana FDA uses risk-based post-marketing surveillance to improve medicine quality. 

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